Review Station!


Spider-Man Annual #1

Happy Thursday, everyone! Hope you’re having an amazing morning! Today, I’ll be reviewing one of the latest comic books I was able to pick up from my local comic store. I’ve always been a big Spider-Man fan, and I’m especially looking forward to the shift towards one of the most popular versions of everyone’s favorite web-slinger, Miles Morales. I can’t wait to start reading his series coming out next week and see the new movie, Into the Spider-verse. As for today’s review, here are my thoughts:

Cover– Kris Anka draws a fantastic cover to the book, and his Spider-man looks amazing with his black and red (my favorite color combo). The cover is fairly complex, with images of the villain in the background, but doesn’t overdo it. It is cleanly designed and easily draws the eye.

Artwork– Nelson Blake II and Alitha E. Martinez make a great team here as their style gives a modern superhero feel to each panel. It’s colorful without feeling childish, and every action scene draws you in. The full page artwork is especially well done with their attention to detail.

Story– My only complaint is that I wish they elaborated more on Brent’s relationship with Miles, and we spent more time with his sister. I’m also confused as to why the Kree were (poorly) impersonating humans and with Thor’s random cameo. Otherwise, I really liked his discussions with his uncle, the reason why he takes up the mantle, and the morals he learns.

Overall- (8.5/10) I enjoyed the comic, from the story to the artwork and am excited to see where they go with Miles. There is a rich market for this and a ridiculous amount of potential. Here’s hoping they realize it!

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